Support us to improve health, rights, and gender services in the Lao PDR
CHIAs works with local communities to advance health, rights, and gender services for key vulnerable populations, marginalized groups, and people living with or affected by diseases. Your support and donations make a difference.
International Support
International donations can be made in USD via SWIFT transfer to our bank account in the Lao PDR:
Account number USD: 01012010xxxxxxxxxx Account name: Community Health & Inclusion Association SWIFT code: COEBLALA
Bank Address:
Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao
Headquarter Office, No 01, Pangkham Street, Ban Xiegnheun
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Donations might be tax deductible in your country. If you require a receipt, please send your full name, address, telephone number, and proof of transfer to xxx.
Support in Laos
Donations in Laos can be made to one of the following bank accounts:
Account number LAK: 01012000xxxxxxxxxx Account number USD: 01012010xxxxxxxxxx Account name: Community Health & Inclusion Association
Or scan one of the QR codes below in your bank app:
How We Make A Difference
projects in 10 provinces around the country in 2022
people directly benefited
of our staff members were women
Learn more about CHIAs
About Us
We improve health, rights, and gender services for vulnerable populations, marginalized groups, and people living with or affected by diseases.
What We Do
We currently work on 10 projects, in 6 provinces, directly benefitting 563,000 people.
Yearly overview of projects, finances, and results.